Bartending School of Bevinsville helps bartenders live their dream. Our Bartending School is excited about our desire to teach customized, private lessons to all ages(above 18 by Kentucky state law) throughout KY.
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Party people, gather around! We’ve got an event to plan for. You’ve just set the date for your wedding (congrats!).…
Our professional team of bartending rockstars, masters, and gurus have teamed up to bring you a whole year of holidays…
Are you a budding barkeep looking to brush up on your cocktail knowledge? Maybe you’re a savvy owner doing research…
Ah tequila, the spirit of choice for many a night out. From margaritas to shots, tequila has become a staple…
Be taught bartending from the comfort of your own home
LBS also offers Personalized bartending services for private parties, corporate events and weddings.
Bevinsville KY Bartending Service