Chanel Hill
Phone : 303-710-5780 | Email :
▹ TIPS Certified
▹ Bartending Certificate
▹ Hard working and capable of learning techniques quickly on my feet
▹ Familiarity with bar terminology
▹ Knowledge of over 50+ cocktail recipes
Work Experience
Lab Assistant-University of Colorado (January 2017-now)
▹ Extremely important to mix chemicals in the right proportions
▹ Capable of mixing liquids of different viscosities thoroughly
Hostess-Sigma Nu (Aug. 2015- May 2016)
▹ Scanned ID cards at entrance to assure everyone paid their dues before meals.
▹ Interacting with people
Pizza Chef/Register-Weather Tech Café (Aug. 2015-Nov. 2015)
▹ Took orders and prepared sandwiches/pizzas for customers.
▹ Prepared multiple orders at a time while maintaining quality.
▹ Handling cash from customers after taking their orders.
Starbucks (Aug. 2012-Aug. 2013)
▹ Memorized many recipes and consistently prepared them with high quality
▹ Presentation of beverage
▹ University of Colorado-Boulder-Chemical Engineering~May 2020
Josh Wise-Bartending Trainer