Experienced? Teach Bartending

Experienced? Teach Bartending

We are a service of in home instructors so we are always looking for bartenders in all parts of the country. We have schools and in-home lessons.

Hours and Scheduling

Bartending instruction is very flexible. You can easily schedule lessons on weekends or nights. Lessons are scheduled at your local bars. You will be able to speak to your client before meeting them to confirm times and location.


  • Must have 5 years of experience with bartending
  • Must be at least 18 years old
  • Must have a car and mobile phone

How Do I Get Paid?

No waiting for checks. Payment is quickly sent through PayPal or check. You will have the option to request a check or get a direct deposit. There is no need for an account. It happens the same day as the end of your set of lessons,

Benefits and Pay

  • LBS Master Instructors make up to 125 per session!

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